Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lets Talk TURKEY!!!

I'm a turkey chick!

My pals Mike and Ike look in the nursery

2 baby turkeys with Penny

you looking at me?

2 turkeys and a chicken hen....whats the world comming to?

I don't mind being held!
We now have added 2 new turkeys to our nursery.  I call them Tom & Jerry.  The larger bird in the pink cage is actually a chicken hen...her name is Penny.  She helps the baby's along.  The larger pen below them is where the "Bantam" chickens live right now.  They are still too small to move to their outdoor home.  No, I don't give all the birds names.  Besides on a farm that's not really a good idea.  But, some are special.  If they show personality, or are going to be around for a long time...then maybe they get a name.  A family member calls all the chickens "McNuggets", but that's not really true.  Some are for laying eggs, some go to auction, a few lucky ones become almost like pets.  Tom and Jerry however, might only be around till turkey day...unless they get a "Presidential Pardon"
Blu Bear

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