Thursday, May 31, 2012


This might take a while...
Gently now...
80 more to go!!!
Heirloom bush acorn winter squash

See that string in the bottom corner?  That goes out another 50 yards!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day on the farm

Any one out there hungry?

Grandpa kitty brings home a friend!

Blue Eyed Trouble!
That's "Mister Kitty" to you!
Teddy Bears' Grandpa just showed up from who knows where...He is really old, but can he turn on the charm when he wants something...  Just don't let him near Molly... THIS CAT HAS SERIOUS CLAWS!!!  Blu Bear

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How I plant my pumpkins & squash

I  dig a small hole and refill with this.

I then plant my seeds  (3) in each "hill"

Up pops a plant...surrounded my straw "mulch"

The hills with seed and mulch
Repeat a couple hundred times!!!
Of course, I allso grow hundreds of plants in peat pots.  Then, the plants (pots and all) go through the same process.  This weekend Strawbeary and I will be busy putting in about 100 bush acorn squash plant along one of the gardens boarders...good thing we have mama n' papa bear to help! Blu Bear & Strawbeary

Friday, May 25, 2012

Some of my favorite pictures from the farm

My garden before tilling
Finally getting the garden ready
Sunrise on the farm
The barns at sun rise.
Home sweet Home
There is a ton of photos that have never made it to Blu Bears Garden, but what I'd really like to see is  you post some of  your garden!!!  Blu Bear

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hi, I'd talk, but I'm kind of busy right now...
I see the youngsters are comming along quite well. if I could just figure out how to open the door on this thing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Papa Bear & Molly; Mama Bear Growls!

Molly wants the stuffed penguin!
Why are you taking a picture of ME???

Life on the farm isn't all work...but there is always work to be done.  I'm glad I'm just a stuffed bear that molly doesn't get to play with....poor little penguin!  Blu Bear

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chicken Update

This bird really wants to show off!
If you look close, you can see the bird netting that protect the Banties
The Banties have finally left the nursery, and have moved to one of the outdoor pens.  Soon they will be paired (boy & girl) and some will go to auction.  They will become like pets, and are used mostly for show birds.  Blu Bear

Monday, May 21, 2012


Well, were almost there...I'd love to see us hit 1000 per week, and now 11 people from Russia log on!!!  Thanks for all the e-mails, but I'd really like to see some comments posted...and I know "joining" doesn't seem to get much attention, but It would really make this bear happy if you did! your pal....   Blu Bear!


If you ever happen to catch the Saturday morning Ag show, than perhaps you may have heard of about the work being done by the folks at The College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) at the University of Missouri.  Bill McKelvey is the coordinator of the project.  Whats a bear doing watching TV???    No, really,  I expect some really exciting ideas from them!  Even our readers from Russia should pay attention.  Addressing hunger is a world wide problem...and getting people to make good food know, like my Blu Bears Blue Beary Muffins! Oh...that's not probably what they had in mind, but I always love waking up to a Sunday morning with the kitchen just ....Blu Bear

Me and my gal Strawbeary

We've been really busy getting our garden ready...How bout you?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Small hands...big results!

Hayden planting pumpkin seeds

Peat pot cells to prevent transplant shock
Watering in ....not too much Haydena!

Friday, May 18, 2012

More strange stuff from our trip

Me n my gal, Strawbeary
We couldn't catch up with it!
Hey, I know your not going to believe us, but we saw a snowmobile driving past the farm at light speed. snow...its sunny and warm.  Thats right...a snowmobile on wheels!

Plant give-a-way

These tomato plants can hardly wait for a new home!
These seedlings will go crazy the moment they get planted.  There are over 200 plants in the top shelves!
These are heirloom Bush Acorn Squash.  They will be ready to plant in about a week.
They might not seem like much, but when they grow up, they will produce hundreds of pounds of pepper, tomatoes, zucchini , and winter squash.  Since they are destined for one of the local food pantries, they are all "determenant' plants...meaning they reach a certain size and then stop growing.  Also, every variety we have grown for this first give-a-way, can be grown in a container, such as an old bucket with a few holes in it.  Just remember to put something like an old egg carton on the bottom to give it proper drainage. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Road Trip!!!

O.K.  so its not a plant! Or is it???
Bumble Bee???

We see lots of strange things when Strawbeary and I go on a road trip.  But a Transformer???

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I would do with an acre of land!

Just look at it....right across from my front door!
The picture of my front door...
Can't you just  imagine all that empty space as crisp green peppers, green beans, winter squash...and tomatoes that actually taste like you remember...  I see church pantry's, local food banks, cooked meal programs, soup kitchens and smiling faces.  Blu Bear

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Helping Claws...

"Ending plant at a time"
If you are a regular follower, or have read most of the posts, you probably know that Blu Bears Garden was created with the hope of sharing its bounty with its neighbors in need.  Also, I hope to inspire other gardeners to join me in this effort.  Besides, its really alot of fun.  Every morning I wake up and can't wait to see how much things have grown over night.  And, if we get a couple rainy days, its always amazing!  Everyone should have a garden...weither its just a few plants in containers...or a monster garden like mine.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life in the big city...Wauseon Ohio

our library
a great place to eat
chamber of commerce
county court house

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sunrise on the farm...

Time to wake up the chickens!
the barns      
home sweet home
If a picture is worth a thousand words.....  I hope you have a great weekend..........Blu Bear