Friday, March 1, 2013

Seed Flats...And the PLANTING BEGINS!

The first 2 flats seeded for 2013

"Pelleted Seed" must be spring!   The first seed flats have been started...  These are 72 cell flats.  Meaning they will have, with a little luck, 72 seedlings in them.  With enough light, we can sometimes keep the plants in these trays right up till it's time to put them in the garden.  But,  most of these will be transplanted into 4" pots, or into patio planters. 

We've started 54 Tiny Tim tomato plants (all to be given away) 54 Giant Green Pepper, 26 Better Boy (slicer tomato) and 11 Habanaro peppers (really, really hot!)  The "Better Boy" is pelleted seed, meaning that the seed is coated (kind of  like a chocolate covered raisin) to make it easier to plant.  Most pepper and tomato seed is really small, and the coating makes it easier to plant.  But most of the time we just use uncoated seed, and lots of it!

By the time we are done seed starting, there will be hundreds of different plants looking for a new home.  Of course several flats go right into the garden.  Some seed is "direct sown" meaning that we plant the seed in the garden.  We've got a big garden, but it never seems big enough!  I guess you could call it a Market Garden....for now.    If you haven't started you seeds yet, you still have lots of time, but don't put it off too long.   Your pal   Blu Bear

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