Thursday, March 21, 2013

Natural Resources Conservation Service

We just posted a crop report for the 2012 growing season.  Although the numbers should have been higher, the growing season last year was too hot & too dry!  The ground was cracking, the rain was lacking, and us bears really fought hard to bring in a crop.  Aside from the birds (chickens & turkeys) which numbers probably should be added to the report, we did our best in one of the worst droughts in recent history.

But, the NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) has a program that we are hoping to become a part of.  This would provide assistance to improve soil , water, etc.   Its called the Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative.  Think low tech green house.  Crops would be grown in the "High Tunnel" directly in the soil.  This should allow for an extended growing season and early planting of Cole crops like salad stuff. (See older post for the salad crops we have in mind)

I guess the biggest question now, is if  our charity work will count some how as $$$ in production sales?  We realize that Blu Bears Garden has to start to pay its own way, and show a reasonable return to allow it to expand and sustain its self.  But, we have accomplished some of our primary goals of creating good will in the community we live and elsewhere.  And, we've accumulated seed stock, and learned many ways not to do somethings again!  Wish us luck with this next bears could use it!  Blu Bear

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