Tuesday, February 12, 2013


17 Varieties of Pumpkins!
With so many new readers, we hope that they go to some of the older posts to get a good idea what Blu Bears' Garden is all about.  We grow a very large garden.  Last year, it was the length of a foot ball field, and 1/2 as wide.  Almost all of our pumpkins are grown for bakeing, although we did add a few "carvers" this last season.  But, we also grow a large variety of veggies, with the best going to our local food banks. 

Seed sharing is another one of our big "projects"  Us bears just love to see children of all ages grow stuff!  There is nothing so amazing than to see the pride in a childs face when he or she gets to share something they worked to make happen.  And, we hope you will also share your seedlings with others.  As always, if you would like to grow a garden, but can't afford seed, we'll do our best to help you out.  And, if you would like to grow a garden to share with your local food banks or meal programs, you can just e-mail me and we'll help all we can!  Blubearyfarms@Gmail.com  Straw Beary

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