Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our own breed of pumpkin....

"STRAW BEARY" pumpkin a winner!

On display last October
 This 12 lb. beauty has finally been cut open to harvest the seeds and to bake!  Yes, fresh pumpkin in late February!  The texture is "fine"  pleasantly scented, and the seeds are the biggest, plumpest seeds I've ever seen.  This pumpkin really passed the 3 important tests for being worthy of its' own name, and a permanent place in our garden.  1. Eat ability  2. Beauty 3. Storage.  This one really is a long keeper, and the seeds are so plump that the pumpkin is worth growing just to eat them roasted!  Baked down to a little over 7 pounds, this is one of the denser food pumpkins we now grow.

And,, this one is our own cross breed.  F1 hybrid... which means that is a cross of two other pumpkins that come together and create a whole new line.  If this years planting of Straw Beary Pumpkin produces a similar result, we will make the seed commercially available for 2014 planting!  For now, we can spare a few seeds for our readers who contact us @  You friend Choo Choo

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