Saturday, January 26, 2013

What is this strange building???

Give up?
I'll give you a few hints.  1.  Its been here for around a 100 years.   2.  It was originally powered by: a. horses es, b. steam tractor,  c. any means but electricity.  3.  The top part is the same as when it was built, but no longer is in use.

Guess what it is?  Well, if you ever seen the big water towers that usually have your towns name on them, then think of this as a mini version of it.  The top section holds a tank that was pumped full of water.  Then, when you needed water in the house, it came from electric pump needed.  Gravity created the water pressure!

Now it houses the water pressure tank, filtering and softening equipment.  And, we also use the below ground area of it to store our most important potted plants....Straw Bearys' Roses & Carnations!  We leaned a lot about this area when we lost water into the house.  Nope., the pipes didn't freeze...the 100 year old well did!  The well itself is about 20 yards away from the well house.  The pipe that runs from the well to it froze up!  With 18 animals to care for, us bears were really worried.  As cold as it has been (-0) warm water is vital to their health.  But, the same place that keeps the flowers safe, held enough clean water to keep the hens, blue turkeys, banties, molly, & the cats happy.  Us bears had to suffer with bottled water for our coffee!  Of course, some of the bears like tea with honey! (really I think they just like the honey)

Blu Bear

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