Thursday, January 31, 2013


Turkey chicks just say NO!
Yes, its true.  The local paper says that Hillandale Farms is going to open a new egg-normous  chicken facility with 4 million laying hens!

That's a lot of omelets!  Too bad they are going to be the tasteless stuff that we see in all the grocery stores.  Of course us bears are a little "Chicken Proud" of our girls, and the way they are cared for.  And, our blue turkeys have every right to say "not in my back yard!"

When you think of big industry, you can tell we really live in the country when our front page is about corn, soy beans, & chickens!  Besides, we love our heirloom chickens, and the yummy brown eggs they give us to bake with.  Straw Beary

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