Thursday, November 21, 2013



Choo Choo busy tracking the web site.)  Some how we've got to get readers to go to OLDER POSTS !!!  With hundreds of photos & stories to share, if you are new to this site, you will have to start from the beginning to see how much we have accomplished these last few growing seasons.  Just would take quite a bit of free time to do that.  But, if you just skim through the photo's you'll get a great over view, and I'm sure you find vidio clips that you will want to share with others too!    Choo Choo

Saturday, November 16, 2013


We love the varieties....Don't you?
To think something this pretty is going to be baked!   We grow so many unique varieties, that we can never decide on which is our favorite!   Truth be known,  how a squash or pumpkin tastes has  so much to do with the cook, that the only way to judge, is to have the same bear fix each.  Some "pie" pumpkins have a much higher sugar content than others.  And, there are subtle differences as well.  Last year we were blown away by "Casper"  the first true white baking pumpkin, because of its' texture and taste.  The thing that really set it apart was the way it smelled so good while it was in the oven.  But, we are all looking forward to trying some of the new varieties that we test grew this season.  Pictured above are a few of them.  Can you say  pumpkin pie???

Thursday, November 14, 2013


The Frozen Wagon
As hard as it is to believe, the snow and cold came a bit early this November.  It started last week end, and we hit the 18 degree mark by the first of the week.  The bitter cold has made slow going of packing the year away.   I've heard of frost on the pumpkins...but "SNOW ON THE PUMPKINS" would be a better description! 

Us bears have been short "pawed" all season, and with a little luck we'll be caught up by the time we start new seedlings for next year.   Straw Beary

Friday, November 1, 2013

The end of the last!

What may seem like "left over" pumpkins for Halloween are really seed pumpkins for next years pumpkin patch.  We price these special pumpkins that out-shine all others in such a way as to insure that some of them will make it into next years pumpkin patch.  And, we love to share seeds with others.

Now that the temperatures are dropping, the leaves are falling, and the first snow flakes are only weeks away, we'll be busy processing the seed crop, and baking the thick sweet flesh of these non-carvers.  It won't be long before we start thinking about that big family Thanks Giving meal.  If you'd like to try some of Straw Bearys' yummy recipes , go to the older post list.   Your Pal   Blu Bear

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Yes, before this prize jack-o-lantern and his pal left the farm, they were safely strapped into the back seat of the car.   Hope you have a great Halloween, and stop out to the farm!  We wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween.  The weather man says our area is going to get clobbered with heavy rain and even a thunder boomer or two.  Many local towns are just now deciding to move "Trick or Treating" to the weekend.  For our readers from other lands, adults and children dress up in silly costumes and go door to door for candy!  Many pumpkin carving parties are also becoming popular, as well as pumpkin painting.  Some of our stranger varieties already look like they are from outer space!  Because of our seed sharing program, maybe you will want to grow a few for yourself next year.  Just let us know.    Choo Choo
Transportation Manager: Choo Choo

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Just a few of the 100's of pumpkins we grew this year!

Nothing is funnier than watching a child pick out their first pumpkin!  And, with the selection we have, the choices are over whelming!  Since we have so many sizes, shapes, and colors, it is definitely not like  picking out a pumpkin from a giant box from the grocery store!

One thing that really surprised me this year, is the number of "imported" pumpkins the markets were selling this year.  I was a the local Super Center and they had boxes from 3 different states!  None of them were from Ohio.    But, the "carver" has become a commodity these days.   We grow allot more varieties than just orange !!! People are still finding their way out to the farm, and are always amazed at what they see.    I dare anyone to find a better selection than what we grow!  And, if you love to bake, we have the perfect pumpkin for you!   Your Pal Blu Bear

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


These pumpkins are huge!
It may be hard to tell from this picture, but the greenish one weights in at over 50 lbs.!!!  Talk about selection!  We have hundreds of pumpkins priced at $2.50 .    (excluding display monsters) And, we have 17 varieties in every shape and color,  so you are sure to find your perfect pumpkin.   We are located at 1565 Co. Rd. 12, (just south of B)  between Wauseon & Napoleon OH.  Some come on out to the farm!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Fall Harvest Display Planning
This is the most fun part about growing a pumpkin patch!  We've got a great colors to show off this year, and we can hardly wait!  We'll start picking winter squash and pumpkins this weekend.  Most stores are already getting in their shipments from other farms  but a bit too early for our standards!!!

Many varieties shouldn't be harvested until the vines die off.    Some winter squash are best picked only after the first light frost.  But, if you buy a "CARVER"  for Halloween that was picked in early September, it might look great now, but good luck having it survive  until October 31 !!!  We grow over 17 varieties, and if you look at OLDER POSTS from last year, you will get an idea of whats to come! 
Now Thats Color !!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Volunteer "PICKING CREW" comes to the rescue

Now that's dedication!

Much of what we grow here on the farm goes directly to people in need.  But, this year, we've really had a hard time getting things picked and delivered where they can do the most good.  This "happy" group just finished picking and loading produce for the Wauseon F.I.S.H. monthly food program.  Their dedication to serve others in need leaves us bears speechless.'ve got to wonder about the guy who looks like he just came off the golf course!  I can honestly say I have never seen anyone come in from the fields looking this clean and well pressed. (Don't worry, he'll get the inside joke...I hope!)    From all of us bears Thank YOU !!!  Field Reporter O'Beary
Field Reporter O'Beary


Beef Steak tomatoes finally ripen!
This has been the slowest harvest of large heirloom "Beef Steak" tomatoes we've ever seen.  And not a moment too late!  If an early frost hits, we can count on loosing most of them.  But, that's the chance you take with some of the old time favorites.  Since there are two one hundred foot rows of them,  we can only hope for the best.   Your Pal   Blu Bear

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Not the best photo, but it says it all!

Of course it should have been addressed to Blu Bear & Straw Beary.  But some times their "human" identities get accidentally revealed.  Even Clark Kent had trouble keeping his true name a secret.  Thank goodness there are so many bears that work hard to keep the farm going.  Rarely do we ever let any of the organizations we try to help know the people behind Blu Bears Garden. 

After all, the bears deserve all of the credit!  They inspire us to be more than our selves. And hopefully, they do the same for you.  So, from all of us Bears,   THANK YOU FISH (Friends In Service to Humanity)  for the thousands of lives you have made better.
The Bears @ Blubeary Farms

Thursday, September 12, 2013


"A little goes a long ways"

Yes, we may be a little crazy, but so many people have asked us to grow some very HOT PEPPERS, that we just had to listen.  This all most ripe Habanaro pepper will turn a bright red, and until recently, it was considered the hottest edible pepper in the world.  For example, a jalapeno pepper is rated at around 3000 scovel units.  ( A system that gets higher as the pepper gets hotter.)   The pepper seen above is rated at 300,000 !!!!   But, a small amount in a big kettle of anything gives it more zing than heat.   The new "record" holder, called the GHOST comes in a 1,000,000 units.  And, to call it food is stretching the truth more than a little!  Although we do believe it would be a great natural pesticide, just as long as the people applying it wore protective clothes and goggles...maybe a full face and air filtration system too!  So if anyone ever trys to get you to bite into one....better think twice.  Oh, and milk helps kill the heat....water does little.   Field Reporter:  O'Beary

Monday, August 26, 2013


We can hardly bear it!  Shirley Temple may have been the original "OH MY GOODNESS" girl, but,
just imagine this from your very own garden!!!    We really want you to be able to do this for your self and to share with many smiles and full tummy's!!!   The bears save the best seed from plants that out perform all others...grown without pesticide and weed killer, so you can get the best!  As always,  we will help you at no charge if money is the only thing standing in your way!  And you can hear O.M.G. from everyone that sees what you have grown!  So plan on joining with us, and you'll have something to be proud of that will never be forgotten!  Blu Bear
Whats for dinner?

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Who's Reading Us Today???
I know you don't here from me much this time of year....what with all the food to harvest.  But, I really do love my job here on the farm.  As you may remember, I'm the bear responsible for all the picking, shipping, and of course,  tracking the web site traffic.  In fact,  this year we are adding express delivery anywhere in the U.S. of our specialty produce. 

And, we grow our produce without pesticides and weed killers!     Of course sales of our produce makes it possible for us to share with others in need.    I'll try to have a "catalog"  posted soon, so keep an eye out for it.   Thanks for following us!  Choo Choo

Traffic Manager  Choo Choo

Monday, August 19, 2013


Bell Peppers

Jalapeno Peppers
Purple Tomatillo
Roma & San Morenzo Tomatoes/ Yellow Hot Wax
Jalapeno Peppers                 _______________

Hot Yellow Wax Peppers    _______________

Roma Tomatoes                  _______________

San Morenzo Tomatoes     ________________

Beef Steak Tomatoes             ______________

Tomatillos                            _______________

Purple Tomatillos                _______________

Blu Bears Garden   1565 Co. Rd. 12  Wauseon OH   43567   (419)  280-0300 

As always, we are happy to assist food pantries & meal programs at no charge.  Please contact Randy  (419)  388-7089 

Friday, August 16, 2013


Gift "Salsa" Basket
This beautiful basket was created to thank one of our regular patrons at the Wauseon Library for all of their support over the last two years.  The funny thing is...she was on vacation!  So Jackie where ever you are...the bears hope you are having a great time!  And, the other folks at work,  (who also deserve our appreciation) are thrilled to enjoy your gift.   Just so you know...the basket included:

Green Bell Pepper
Roma Tomatoes
San Morenzeo Tomatoes
Yellow Hot Wax Peppers

And for the readers who can make it out to the farm, you can buy these beauties for yourself, or to share with others.  We are located at 1565 Co. Rd. 12  between Wauseon & Nalpoleon.  I can see Rd. B from my kitchen window.  You can call or text me at 419  280-0300 for availability and whats being picked at any given time.    Straw Beary

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Fresh from the garden...
We grew everything you see in these bowls!  Romaine & Simpson lettuce, green pepper, radishes, & San Morenzo tomatoes!   Just imagine being able to walk out your back door and pick a salad like this.  And, we also have herbs such as dill, celantro, basil, mint...and much more.  I'm not sure why we forgot to pick a cuccumber.    Your pal  Blu Bear

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kadence Adopts A Kitten

Straw Beary & Kadence
If you think she looks happy with Straw Beary, you should see her with a new calico kitten!  She adopted the girl with all the spots (See OLDER POSTS)  The boy was the first to go, but I think Blu Bear wanted to keep "Jr." for himself.  Now there is only one little girl left, and she just loves to play.  Talk about energy!   May your kitten bring you many years of joy.  Love Straw Beary

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Mulched plants ready for the harvest
It has been a lot of work getting the "garden" to this point.  17 rows of plants have been mulched with wheat straw.  It might not seem like much, but to weed and carefully place straw under each plant over 1000 times .... YIKES!!!    Can you imagine how long it would take if we did the rest of the garden this way?  We leave the pumpkins and winter squash alone because after the first couple of months there is only a sea of giant green leaves and the vines grow everywhere. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Raccoons Attack Sweet Corn
NOoooooo !!!!  All the bears couldn't believe their eyes.  RACCOONS STRIKE SWEET CORN...and boy were they hungry.  Even though we are surrounded by acre after acre of field corn...they knew the difference!  But, we fought back...we sprayed the whole crop with a mixture of dish soap and hot pepper sauce !!!  They still came back the next night for more, but I think they got more than they bargained for.  A gallon jug filled with water was chewed open!  We use the jugs as yard markers every 50' feet in the garden.  Think maybe they were thirsty???  Hopefully they will leave the rest of the crop alone...or invite their friends over for some gourmet seasoned sweet corn.  I'll keep you posted  Field Reporter O'beary

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


With all the rain, Farmer Larry has had a "Dickens" of a time trying to get into his fields to cut hay & straw.  Straw is what's left over after the harvest of the wheat crop.  It is used for everything from animal bedding to ground cover for grass seed (lawns)  Soon loads of hay will be cut and bailed.  Mainly alphalpa,  it is used as animal feed. (Moo)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Row after row...

The never ending work in progress
It might not look like much...but, it's a work in progress.  These plants have all been weeded around, and now wait patiently for their mulch and maybe a little fertilizer.  The ground will be covered with straw, keeping the leaves and produce clean and free from contact with the soil.  If we don't get an early frost, we should have a great harvest.  Blu Bear

Freak of Nature...Double Summer Squash !!!

Yellow Summer Squash
I've never seen this happen before, so I figured that maybe it would be new to you as well.  This yellow summer squash really makes a show stopper!  It would have been great to enter it in the county fair, but that's over a month away.  The fun thing about a garden, it that you never know what you are going to find on your daily treasure hunt !!!  Your pal Blu Bear

Monday, July 22, 2013

New Breeding Pair Selected

Listen to me crow !!!
Just because he's louder doesn't make him the boss!
You might remember when these birds were just little chicks in a box! (OLDER POSTS)  But now they have grown into a beautiful matched pair of miniature chickens!!!  They are almost as big as they are going to get, and with a little luck, they will make us some more little chickens.  And, for those of you who don't already know, I'm in charge of the chicken flocks AND the baked goods too.  Straw Beary

Friday, July 19, 2013


It doesn't get any cuter than this!!!  The boy is out numbered by his two sisters.  Hope you like it !  Straw Beary

My three little kittens are up for adoption soon...

I'll be up for adoption August 1st!
One of my sisters is already spoken for...but, there are the two of us who will be ready for adoption in a couple of weeks.  Check out our new video!  

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Summer squash first picking of the season!
This is going to be a bumper crop for summer squash & zucchini...but it won't last long.  We grew a 100' foot row of it, but without herbicide (weed killer) pesticide (bug killer) & fungicide (powdery mildew) .  Without these chemicals, the plants tend to fall victim to just about everything after a few pickings.  But,  the bears always plan for this, and their "row" will be replaced by the giant Jack-O-Lanterns growing in the row next to them.  Much of this crop will be given to meal programs,  a couple food banks.  Hopefully a few folks will be lucky enough to get a chance to buy some.  Healthy, fresh, & yummy !!!  Blu Bear

Both wagons full!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Any one feel like helping us bears weed & mulch???

So many little time
There are only about 17 100' rows left to weed & mulch....give or take 59 !!! With only a crew of little stuffed bears to do all the work, we sure could use some help!! So, if you live in North West Ohio, we are in desperate need of volunteers.  Don't forget, a large portion of our "garden" goes directly to people in need.  What little we do sell, doesn't cover labor costs. (Thank goodness bears work for pumpkin bread)  You could earn yourself some BLU BEAR BUCKS good for fresh produce or even that perfect jack-0-lantern.  Before you know it, we'll be in need of people to help with the harvest as well.  This is the perfect time to be a part of this years garden.  And, for our readers else where, start thinking about growing a little garden next year to share the bounty with others.  As always, we are more than happy to provide you with seed at little or no cost.  From all of us bears...Thank you !!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Pumpkins & Squash @ Blu Bears' Garden
A sea of green has filled our garden.  Now you can see why we are so excited about growing things.  Just wasn't that long ago that this was a blank canvas ready to be painted...or in our case, planted.  And, just all started with a bag of seeds, a hope, a prayer, and some very determined bears. 
Summer squash begins to "bear" fruit

Monday, July 8, 2013


Corn at the edge of the "garden"
In the U.S., we have a saying "Knee High by the 4th of July" ., referring to how tall the sweet corn should be by the 4th.  Well, I guess we have a new "one" in the making.  When we were out for a drive the other day, we stopped and took a look at the most amazing corn crop we had ever seen.  Not far from the farm, someone had planted a week or two earlier than we did. 

We should have taken a photo of it. (probably will)  The corn was over 6 feet tall.   Hard to believe a pro basket ball player could get lost in this corn field...but there it is.  We spoke to an "old timer" whos' family has been growing corn for several generations.  He said that he had never seen any thing like this and didn't know anyone who has.  Compared to last year, when the corn barely made it to maturity by fall...this could be a very unusual crop.   Field Reporter O'Beary
Area corn crop August 2012