Friday, July 12, 2013

Any one feel like helping us bears weed & mulch???

So many little time
There are only about 17 100' rows left to weed & mulch....give or take 59 !!! With only a crew of little stuffed bears to do all the work, we sure could use some help!! So, if you live in North West Ohio, we are in desperate need of volunteers.  Don't forget, a large portion of our "garden" goes directly to people in need.  What little we do sell, doesn't cover labor costs. (Thank goodness bears work for pumpkin bread)  You could earn yourself some BLU BEAR BUCKS good for fresh produce or even that perfect jack-0-lantern.  Before you know it, we'll be in need of people to help with the harvest as well.  This is the perfect time to be a part of this years garden.  And, for our readers else where, start thinking about growing a little garden next year to share the bounty with others.  As always, we are more than happy to provide you with seed at little or no cost.  From all of us bears...Thank you !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Counf me ln...when???