Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blu Bears' Garden grows to 43,650 square feet !!!

We desperately need this piece of equipment !!!
Shade study on part of the "garden"
It has been the plan all along to gradually increase the "garden".  Now that the paper work is done, the hard work really starts.  The garden is going to be the size of a foot ball field this year!  And, to keep our goal to provide as much produce as possible for food banks and meal programs, we need to change some of our growing methods.  Spot tilling is out.

As you may know,  we grow many of our plants from seed in our little green house.  Then, they are lovingly transplanted into the garden.  Things like tomatoes, peppers, and even most of our baking pumpkins and squash are started this way.  "Direct seeding"  may work great for some things, but the food crops that take the longest to ripen have to be started in doors. We want to have them available as soon as possible, and harvest for longer periods of time.  And,  the crops that we can sew by seed in the garden need the soil better prepped than just disked  by tractor.  So, now we are in search for a way to get a rear tine rototiller.  Bears can only do so much with there good looks.( Ha Ha) And don't have any outside funding.   The concept of money kind of puzzles them...but, as they say..."If there is a bear...there is a way!"   Straw Beary

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