Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Early Sunrise....

It is really hard to put into words how beautiful it is here on the farm.  Every sunrise...every sunset seem so peaceful.  No wonder the bears love it here!  Now that the weather is beginning to warm up (finally!)  we are getting restless and can hardly wait to start getting some plants into the ground.  I hope you've started some seedlings of your own...it's not too late.  Blu Bear

Monday, April 29, 2013


Recipes from Straw Bearys' kitchen....
Strange things we read or see....
Roses for their beauty & sunflowers for their seeds...
Produce for food bank & meal programs...
17 Varieties of pumpkins, most for baking....
 Holidays on the farm with all of the bears...
A plant give a way program...
"Extreme Gardening"...a favorite reader dept.

Did I mention CHICKENS?
Really, it is life on a farm where time has stood still for the last 60 or so years...with the exception of some  very interesting  bears, chickens, blue turkeys,  cats & a dog named Molly.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


High Tunnel Crops
Things like strawberries grown under cover
As you may recall, we put together a proposal for a NRCS funded high tunnel.  The good news, they liked what we did last year at Blu Bears' Garden, and even though we suffered from the draught like everyone else, we were still able to grow a significant amount of food to share with others.  You can read  up on all the details it in Older Posts.  A High tunnel is just like a green house, but the crops are grown in the ground it sits on, and it doesn't have heat or electricity.  The sides roll up for ventilation, and its height allows for mechanical cultivation, like a small tractor or rototiller.    Now we just have to wait for the government funds to be available...easier said than done in todays' fiscal climate.

If you are a new reader, which of late there are a lot of you, Blu Bears' Garden is much more than just some ambitious bears that grow produce to share with those in need.  We want to educate, entertain, and show how everyone can make the world a better place one plant at a time.  Even our chickens lay eggs that often find themselves filling the tummies of someone that otherwise would go without.  Although sales of some produce, eggs, & baked goods is vital to keep things going, none of this would be possible without unwavering effort, volunteers, family and friends.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Talk about strange weather!  Even though we have heat in the seedling house, we brought  12 flats of plants inside....just in case.   Loosing several hundred plants  is something we can't let happen.  Especially since many are ear marked for our plant give away program  to help people grow some of their own food. 

We've definitely have gotten enough moisture in the soil for a good start of the season, but to be able to plant by the end of May, we need it to get much warmer.

Setting new low temperature records is one of those things we would really like to avoid!   Your pal   Blu Bear
Our plants are not very happy about this !!!
Too close for comfort!

Friday, April 19, 2013


Spring flowers
Some are planted...
many grow wild...
Beyond the trees ... our little garden....(Note the future Blue turkey home under construction)
There is so much to do in spring time!  All the bears are busy planning & planting.  New pens to build, and old ones to refurbish.  Soon there will be more chickens and blue turkeys to care for.  And, finally the nights are staying above freezing!  Wild asparagus should be popping up any day now.  Yes, it is just a yummy as the stuff from the store, but it's free...and it doesn't get any fresher! 

Of course our version of a traffic jam will be starting soon.  If you go to last springs' posts, you will see some of the giant farm tractors that roll past the farm.  They will be busy putting in corn & soy beans, while we will be planting veggies and fruit...and sun flowers for edible seeds.  Straw Beary ordered in 100 strawberry plants...that will hopefully produce for years to come.  We have grown some from seed in the past, but getting established roots of different varieties helps extend the harvest season and teaches us what grows best in our soil.  Hope your garden plans are growing well...Blu Bear

Thursday, April 18, 2013


If you haven't checked out this post from a couple weeks ago, you are missing out... But, for us bears, this is about as exciting as things get around here.  Blu Bear
video clip of a jeep jumping the only hill on the farm across the street.  Probably the only " hill" within miles!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The "Banty" Pair

Talk about being camera shy!
I'm one of the few rousters here on the farm.  In fact, I am the only full grown boy...(even though they call me a miniture chicken "banty")  I have a gal, and she has just started to lay eggs.  The bears call us a "breeding pair"  because they think we are special.  My gal is a little camera shy, but Blu did manage to get a photo of her.  We've been keeping a close watch on the new arrivals...who are still under a heat lamp.  Their feathers are really starting to show, and they have even done a little flying!
It won't be long before these youngsters move outside with the rest of us...I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Did someone mention chickens???

Now I'm not very fussy about what's for dinner...as long as it is not me.  Besides, I really don't think any one notices me much any more.  For some reason the bears think I was carried off by wild beasts or something.  But, just so they don't forget me, I thought I'd pop in and say hi to you all.  Now don't let my good looks fool you....I'm a tiger at heart!  Grrrrrr...Gizmo

Friday, April 12, 2013


Our first flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and the birds...well let's just say they seem to always aim for the car windows! 

We've been really busy getting the seedlings started, and I glad to report that finally the first round is almost done.  This year we plan to do a "salsa garden"  area.  This will be made up of a variety of tomatoes, tomatillos, and hot peppers!

   Here is a partial list of what we have growing.

HOT PEPPERS:  Hot Manzano, Numex Big Jim, Orange Habanero,   Red Habanero, Hot Yellow Wax, Ancho/Poblano, Anaheim, Serrano, Cherry Hot, Jalapeno M, Jalapeno Hybrid, Jalapeno Stuffer, Jalapeno Early.  (Ghost Pepper not yet started)  GREEN SWEET BELL PEPPERS:  California Wonder, Big Dipper, Bobbis' Large Stuffer.   TOMATO:  Rutgers, Mortgage Lifter, Roma, San  Marzano, Large Red Cherry, Tiny Tim, Beefsteak, Independence, Wild Mini Cherry.
Heirloom Tomatillo: Large Green & Purple!!! 

In all, we'll probably have 18 different peppers, 10 or 11 varieties of tomatoes, and cole crops, salads, root veggies, beans, peas....100 strawberry plants, blueberry, huckleberry, and summer squash.

But, as usual, we will be growing tons of baking pumpkins and winter squash varieties that make the fall season so special here on the farm.  OH....don't forget....Straw Beary always grows lots of flowers!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So what are you going to grow this year?
Imagine how much fun it would be to have your own little garden....  It really isn't that hard to do.  Even if you use any old containers with some drain holes in the bottom, or a raised bed, you could grow all sorts of stuff.  A book that caught my attention called  "Square foot Gardening" might be something you might give a try.   It is about a 4 foot x 4 foot raised bed divided into 16 square feet.  The bed is made of wood 6" high, and filled with a top soil mixture.  Then, a grid is placed on top to divide it into 16 mini gardens.  If you'd like more info on it, just e-mail me...Attention O'Beary  Blubearyfarms@Gmail.com   and I'll be glad to tell you more.   Keep smile'n & keep growing ! OBeary.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Straw Beary & her rose bush
I saw the neatest show on T.V. this morning.  They were cooking all sorts of yummy stuff with PUMPKINS!  As you know...we grow 17 varieties of baking pumpkins here on the farm.  So, when I see someone doing a show about it...well...I just have to tell you!

The newest thing they did was to make a pumpkin turnover...using puff pastry and fresh pumpkin cubed and cooked on the stove top with ginger, brown sugar, and maple syrup!  They wrapped the pumpkin mixture in puff pastry, sprinkled it with "maple brown sugar" and baked it until golden brown.  They have a bunch of other recipes as well.  Their web site is @  LivingWell.com  if you'd like to see all the details.  Happy baking....Straw Beary

Saturday, April 6, 2013


WOW !!!
Traffic Manager Choo Choo              

Friday, April 5, 2013


Seedlings at home in new green house
N More ....
Soon to be filled with plants!
Every day the number goes up!  We start our seeds in 72 cell flats, as you see in the first two photos.
Because these plants (peppers & tomatoes) don't germinate (grow) in soil less than 72 F. , we start them on grow racks indoors.  Once they have sprouted and have true leaves, they are moved outside into our portable green houses. 

Right now, we have 12 x 72 flats started.  By the time we are done, we will have over 2000 plants ready for the garden, and a few hundred to share with others.  If you look at older posts, us bears just love to see the smiles that come from our plant give-away program.  Our "Tiny Tim" tomatoes  get transplanted into larger containers, so people that don't have garden space can grow them on a patio, or even a sunny window sill.   We'd love to have you grow along with us!   Blu Bear

Hello Russia!!!

Blu Bear & Straw Beary             
Couldn't help but notice that 26 visitors from Russia are logged on to Blu Bears' Garden!  Wow!  Us bears really love your kind e-mails!

We've been really busy getting all the plants started for this years "garden".   You could play a foot ball game and have room for fans on it!

As you may have heard, this year we are hoping to put up a 1400 sq. ft. green house, called a High Tunnel.  In it, we will grow crops that can be started earlier and harvested longer.  The plants will be grown in the ground, just like they were out side.  But, when the weather gets bad, they will be sheltered.  Hopefully it will be a great addition to our goal to provide as much fresh produce to food banks & meal programs as possible.  Also, we will grow some crops for seed stock to share with others next year!   Straw Beary & I look forward to showing you all the neat things we do this year, and welcome your comments & photos of your own gardens.  Your pals...Blu Bear & Straw Bear

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"CHICK DAYS" At local farm store

Our new baby chicks!
Even though we have our own breeding pair, Strawbeary couldn't resist buying some more chicks at the local farm store during their annual "chick days".  I knew I was in trouble when she said she just had to go look at all the baby chickens, ducks, and turkeys.  They are really fun to watch, but they are also allot of responsibility too!  Some people try to make them into pets, and you do get attached to them.  But, they need care, feeding, clean water, pens, and protection from big ol' mean wild animals.
Baby ducks...Qwack , qwack!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blu Bears' Garden grows to 43,650 square feet !!!

We desperately need this piece of equipment !!!
Shade study on part of the "garden"
It has been the plan all along to gradually increase the "garden".  Now that the paper work is done, the hard work really starts.  The garden is going to be the size of a foot ball field this year!  And, to keep our goal to provide as much produce as possible for food banks and meal programs, we need to change some of our growing methods.  Spot tilling is out.

As you may know,  we grow many of our plants from seed in our little green house.  Then, they are lovingly transplanted into the garden.  Things like tomatoes, peppers, and even most of our baking pumpkins and squash are started this way.  "Direct seeding"  may work great for some things, but the food crops that take the longest to ripen have to be started in doors. We want to have them available as soon as possible, and harvest for longer periods of time.  And,  the crops that we can sew by seed in the garden need the soil better prepped than just disked  by tractor.  So, now we are in search for a way to get a rear tine rototiller.  Bears can only do so much with there good looks.( Ha Ha) And don't have any outside funding.   The concept of money kind of puzzles them...but, as they say..."If there is a bear...there is a way!"   Straw Beary


This little video is about as exciting as things ever get around here!  Since the land is so flat in North West OHIO,  finding a "bump" to jump a 4 wheeler is pretty hard to do.  I shot this video from across the street.  This is the only neighbor we have shy of a mile away,  and I "bearly" had time to get my camera!  Your pal....  Blu Bear