Monday, February 10, 2014

Gardening with an Elephant

Circle filled with peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, & compost
So much for square foot gardening!  The bears have perfected a different raised bed system that doesn't use a raised bed.  It also doesn't require a rototiller, a tractor, or anything else that wont fit in the trunk of a car.   There is one MAJOR DRAW BACK... if you want to grow row crops such as peas, corn, radishes or carrots, you will need a rototiller, and possibly a seeding machine.   When you look at the costs for such equipment vs. the $$ value of the crops you produce, the pay back is hard to justify.   Just try to imagine how many pounds of produce you would have to grow to make such an investment a smart choice.  However,  if many different gardens shared the equipment, then it could pay off, instead of spending most of its time gathering dust.  Locally, just to rent a tiller for a day is $75.00!!!  And, a row seeder isn't available.  But, veggies such as tomatoes, peppers,  and squash are grown on plants that produce many pounds of food from one fixed root.  Just look at the huge variety of plants available at any garden center.  Now, if you grew the same high value plants from seed, you have the best return on your money and effort.   This garden can be as big as your heart desires.  But, you will need a shovel, a hoe, and a lot of determination. 

And, unlike every expensive system that we've tried, looked at, or reviewed, it doesn't need much in the way of money to make it grow.   Just think of gardening like this:  "HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT???"   One bite at a time.

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