Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Blu Bear & Straw Beary inspect gift plants
If you are within easy driving distance, you are invited to join us for our 3rd annual plant give-away program.  Plants for seniors, and families short on cash are free.  We also have a large variety of seeds for you as well.  For everyone else, the price is your choice.    (This helps supports the free plant & seed give aways)  If you have left over potting or seedling containers, please drop them off at the farm so that they can be reused.  Also, we need all the potting soil we can get.

We are located at 1565 Co. Rd 12 between A & B.  Wauseon OH   Just look for the "BUMP" sign and you're there.  You can't miss the big barns, and there is a sign at the driveway entrance.   To make sure someone will be there to help you, call 419 388-7089 or text us, and we'll get back to you.  We have a large selection of tomato and pepper plants,  for both containers & in ground planting as well as seed.

If you have garden space, and would like to grow some winter squash or pumpkins and can't afford to buy it... we can mail you seed at no charge.  Happy growing!!! Your pal Blu Bear  And, for all of our readers, we hope you stay tuned...  Us bears will be pretty busy the next week or so getting the 43,000 square foot garden planted, so check out  older posts till our next update!  Straw Beary

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