Bi-Color Sweet Corn |
Too early to bloom, a stressed transplant takes root |
Healthy tomato plant in the morning dew |
When we put a plant or seed in the garden, we do things a bit differently. 100 ' foot rows are spaced 6 feet apart. Holes are dug, and the soil is replaced with a mixture of composted manure, spagum peet moss, and black soil mix. We do this to help them retain moisture, and to provide fertilizer all season long. Plus, with the clay soil we have, amending it is the only way to maximize yield, (get the most crop) and place it below the surface to give it more available water.
Eventually we will have created 3' sunken garden beds that are rottotilled each season, and planted with a different crop. This will replace the need for large equipment to completely turn the soil every year. And, if we use 3' foot wide mulch rolls, we will have almost no weeding to do. Hopefully, we will have raised enough $$$ to put the garden in right, with the least amount of labor and equipment possible come next year. The longest journey starts with the first step. And, in keeping with our tradition, a garden starts with the planting of the first little seed.
We hope you raise a few plants this year, and maybe next year, grow a little garden like ours!
Straw Beary