Friday, June 28, 2013


Field Reporter:  O'Beary
As you might have guessed, the garden is always an ongoing project!  And, this year is no exception.  With over 59 100' rows of produce growing, you'd think we would already be finished!  Well, in truth, there is still 7 more rows to go.  The beds are prepped, the plants are ready, and the field is MUDDY!

Final rows to be planted!
Last year at this time we were constantly worried about not getting enough rain.  At the moment, we'd like to have just a couple days to finish up the green house plants.  Now there will always be seeds that get replanted throughout the season, such as lettuce, radishes, etc.... but that's normal.  Take a look, and see what you think!  All of the poor little bears have worked their paws to the bone...we really could use some help!
Sweet Corn/tomato/pepper side

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

GENERATIONS....Standing the test of time

3 Generations... the same tractor still in use
Thinking about what his dad is telling him...
You've seen many photos of the Gerken family farming the land around us.  The thing that impresses the bears the most, is that they blend the old and new seamlessly.   So whether it's a shinny new machine, global G.P.S., or a tried and true work horse, count on seeing more as time goes by.  Believe it or not, I took these photos just last week!  Blu Bear


Fresh strawberries from our garden
After all of the work we've done already this year, it sure is nice to finally get to pick something so sweet and refreshing.  Our varieties planted this year are... Quinalt, Ozark, Festival, & All Star.   Even though we only tried about 25 of each, we were more interested in seeing which would be best to grow for next year as a major crop.   So, should give us more than plenty to share, and I'll bet we will have no trouble finding volunteers to tell us which ones taste the yummiest!

And, you know Blu Bear...I'll be lucky if I ever get any to cook with!  Straw Beary

Friday, June 21, 2013


Bi-Color Sweet Corn
Too early to bloom, a stressed transplant takes root

Healthy tomato plant in the morning dew
When we put a plant or seed in the garden, we do things a bit differently.  100 ' foot rows are spaced 6 feet apart.  Holes are dug, and the soil is replaced with a mixture of composted manure, spagum peet moss, and black soil mix.  We do this to help them retain moisture, and to provide fertilizer all season long.  Plus, with the clay soil we have, amending it is the only way to maximize yield, (get the most crop)  and place it below the surface to give it more available water.

Eventually we will have created 3' sunken garden beds that are rottotilled each season, and planted with a different crop.  This will replace the need for large equipment to completely turn the soil every year.  And,  if we use 3' foot wide mulch rolls, we will have almost no weeding to do.  Hopefully, we will have raised enough $$$ to put the garden in right, with the least amount of labor and equipment possible come next year.  The longest journey starts with the first step.   And, in keeping with our tradition, a garden starts with the planting of  the first little seed.

We hope you raise a few plants this year, and maybe next year, grow a little garden like ours!  Straw Beary

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mikey relaxes with pals after a 1 week hospital stay

A surgical mask for Dr. Mikey
Mikey wishes to send a warm thank you to all the nurses who took such good care of him during his stay at Toledo Hospital.  Thanks a bunch, and hope to see you visit the farm this fall.  Beep Beep Beep....!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Looks like we have our work cut out for us!

Summer squash & Zucchini plants jump out to the soil
Since we avoid using herbicides (weed and grass killer) we have to do things the old fashion hand.  And, over 1000 of our veggie plants were grown in flats.  They have all (but a 100 or so)  been carefully transplanted into the garden.  As you can tell, that means countless hours caring for these tomato, pepper, bean, tomatillo, onion, squash, pumpkin, strawberry, melon, cucumber....well, you get the idea.
Tomato plants waiting to be hoed around


Brrrrrrrrr..........This will be a quick dip!
All of us bears hope you have  a great summer!   Believe it or not,  for  some  of our readers, it  is the  start of winter, think Australia !!!     The weather has been a bit on the soggy side this last week, so getting any planting work done was slow going.  But, we really did need the rain.  I've been busy updating the gardens' progress,  so check out all the new photos this week..... Blu Bear

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Blu Bear & Straw Beary inspect gift plants
If you are within easy driving distance, you are invited to join us for our 3rd annual plant give-away program.  Plants for seniors, and families short on cash are free.  We also have a large variety of seeds for you as well.  For everyone else, the price is your choice.    (This helps supports the free plant & seed give aways)  If you have left over potting or seedling containers, please drop them off at the farm so that they can be reused.  Also, we need all the potting soil we can get.

We are located at 1565 Co. Rd 12 between A & B.  Wauseon OH   Just look for the "BUMP" sign and you're there.  You can't miss the big barns, and there is a sign at the driveway entrance.   To make sure someone will be there to help you, call 419 388-7089 or text us, and we'll get back to you.  We have a large selection of tomato and pepper plants,  for both containers & in ground planting as well as seed.

If you have garden space, and would like to grow some winter squash or pumpkins and can't afford to buy it... we can mail you seed at no charge.  Happy growing!!! Your pal Blu Bear  And, for all of our readers, we hope you stay tuned...  Us bears will be pretty busy the next week or so getting the 43,000 square foot garden planted, so check out  older posts till our next update!  Straw Beary