Monday, October 29, 2012


check out this scary video!
Talk about bad news!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Blu Bear and his baking pumpkins

Awesome Table Center Pieces
Sure, I have carvers for Halloween, but these baby's are perfect for your Turkey Day table.  Whats even better, is that they are also the best baking pumpkins you'll ever find! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Pancakes....Yumm

Straw Beary
I love to bake with pumpkin....but, pumpkin pancakes are really a special treat!  Now, I've got A from scratch recipe, but on a busy Sunday morning, a little cheating won't hurt much.  Besides, kids just love these....even the big one's like Blu Bear !

1 cup store bought pancake mix (I like buttermilk)
1/2 teaspoon & a pinch of cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
2/3 cup cold water
1/3 cup baked pumpkin (mashed)

Mix well and dollop on a hot buttered skillet.  Turn when bubbles form...or do like I do and peak to see if they are browning!   Now, if  "pumpkin" spice is in your cupboard, you can use that (about a 1/2 teaspoon), but sprinkle cinnamon & sugar on the pancakes before turning.  This way you don't need ginger...but I always keep it on hand, cause I mix my own pumpkin spices.  
Next time, I'll share my favorite Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread recipe with you.  Love
Straw Beary

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix

Triple Treat White Baking Pumpkin
I've wrote about this guy before, but now I've actually gotten a chance to bake one.  This is the first true white pie pumpkin.  Yumm..... It has a very high sugar content, yet is great with just some butter, salt & pepper.  But, for classic pumpkin spice (use in coffee, ice cream, squash, etc)

Yield:  !/3 cup  Use to taste....

3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
3 teaspoons ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves
opt:  3 tablespoons brown sugar

Bake a pumpkin cut in 1/2, seeds removed,  cut side down.  Time varies by size...just pretend its a baked potato.   It should be easy to mash....taste test w/ a fork (youm job!) season with above and maybe some butter & serve...Or...use as directed in any canned (yuck!) pumpkin recipe.  Keep baking   .....Love  Straw Beary

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Early Frost on the Pumpkins

Field reporter....O'Beary
Yes....a strange weather year for sure..  Frost 2 weeks early!  Well, so much for a late second harvest for some of my favorite garden veggies. But, I have it on good authority that the bears on the farm were more than ready for it.   Guess I CAN HAVE fresh tomatoes after all!  Blu Bear made sure tjat all of the pie pumpkins (4 Varieties) were kept from freezing.  And, according to Farmer Larry, the late rains saved much of the soy beans and alfalfa.    So at least some feed crops made it to market.  Finally, I want to report that Blu Bears Pumpkin Patch has a great selection of monster carvers and specialty pumpkins for get on out to the farm today!   Don't forget our anual pumpkin roasting for turkey day is comming soon!  Your pal....O'Beary

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Now that's COLOR !!!
From rare to one of a kind....
Definitely not supper market pumpkins!
Come on out to the farm....we'd love to have you!
Located on Co. Rd. 12 between A & B  (1565)  Wauseon O.H....just 6 miles from the library.  You can find the perfect pumpkin for Halloween....baking....or your Turkey Day centerpiece !!!  Your Pal Blu Bear

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NOT YOUR AVEAVGE PUMPKINS... the bears are photo hogs!
Blu Bears Garden & Pumpkin Patch...unique specialty pumpkins, baked goods, & farm fresh eggs.  .   Our "Blu Beary" is an Australian baking pumpkin...considered one of the finest for cooking in the world. ..

This year, we have, we believe., finally crossed the top two baking pumpkins....if not just for fun.  The result has produced some very unusual pumpkins that you won't find anywhere else.  Growing 17 varieties in limited quantities is more than a labor of love.  Our pumpkins also allow us to grow food for local food banks and anyone in need.  And best yet....many of our pumpkins are more than decorations!

Located at 1565 Co. Rd. 12 (between A & B)  just a few miles from Fulton Co. Hospital..  And, we are pretty hard to miss... so don't worry about the street address!   We have a great selection of carvers as well....up to 25 lbs....Most definitely not your average boring supper market pumpkins!
Prices start as low as 50 cents for minis  up to $10 for MONSTERS.  So come on out to the farm...and pick out that special pumpkin.  From dawn to dusk....BEWARE OF THE BLU BEAR!!! 


Blubeary & Straw Bear inspect the pumpkins

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dog supervises this years harvest display

Molly checks out the start of our decorations
Yes, the left corner of the picture is mollys' big 'ol nose.  Kinda reminds me of "Clifford the big red dog"  ....especially in this photo...makes even the trees look small!  Blu Bear