Monday, July 16, 2012

Drought 2012

A glimpse of things to come
Acres of what was suppose to be corn!
local corn crop
This was a garden spot
As any gardener knows, this has been a tough year so far.  In fact, the problem is so wide spread that almost every state is now reporting on drought conditions.  But don't give up on your garden just yet.  Although things may seem hopeless, this bear has some helpful advice that may give you a second chance.

If you are a regular reader, this may just be a review of tricks that I've been using from day 1.  But, if not, I suggest  you take a look back at older posts for photos of things step by step.  Your cool weather crops are pretty much done for now...but many can be replanted in August and still have the fall to produce for you.  Beans, salad crops like lettuces, even some root cops like carrots can be planted for a late harvest.   For plants like tomatoes, peppers, and've still got allot of time.    Try to water in the evening...and avoid getting the plants wet.  Soak er hose, or bucket.  Water deeply.  Avoid a quick wet and go!  This only gets the top of dry soil to look watered, and keeps your plants from developing deep roots.  (THEY NEED DEEP ROOTS NOW MORE THAN EVER)

Fertilizer such as Miracle Grow (yuck) may be your only choice for quick action, but my plants like being treated to composted manure that I work into the soil around my plants.  MULCH...Mulch...MULCH!!!   Keep that moisture in the soil around your plants.   This really hot weather bakes the water out way too fast.  If you have potted plants, move them to an area that gets allot of shade.  I know, you think they need full sun, but too much of a good thing will leave them burnt and dried out.  Also, if you are using smaller pots, you might want to re pot in larger ones, or place them pot and all in a larger container that holds water.  This will help them survive even the worst heat wave.  And, best of all, they get watered from the bottom up.   Keep smile'n and grow'n...  Your pal  Blu Bear

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