Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Turf painting spreads

I would'nt believe it if I didn't see it in the Cresent News!
O.K., so how come you aren't painting the grass blue?
I know the drought is bad, and its kind of depressing looking at all the dead lawns...but TURF PAINTING???  The funny thing is....this is a true story!  I still think they should use blue "turf paint"  Of course as your favorite bear color...and for all my readers from the Blue Grass State, I think Blu Bear Blue would be much nicer?  What do you think?

Monday, July 30, 2012

No body here but us CHICKENS!!!

I kinda feel sorry for the big bad wolf!  After all, this house isn't made of straw.  But, as you might have already guessed...this is a new hen house!  With a few modifications this little beauty will be perfect.  Its got a good roof, insulated walls, and a double door!  Now all it needs is some nesting boxes for my birds, and a few "security" measures to keep out any big ol meanies that want their eggs, or a free chicken dinner.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


A Rooster in the Hen House
"blue" turkeys with some more chickens
"Tom" looks over the chickens.
"Mr. Freckles" Says Hi to ya all!
I don't have any fingers, so its kind of hard for a bear to count.  How many chickens do we have now?  LOTS!!!   And a few turkeys too!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Harvest time gets closer!

I wish this was a ripe tomato!
summer squash
Acorn squash
Green pepper...CRUNCH! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


These little trouble makers are huddled together!
Who would have thought that these cute tiny little baby bunnies will grow up to be garden thieves!  YES, I MEAN RABBITS!!!   Right now they are safely cuddled into a small hole near Blu Bears Garden.   I guess I'll have to move them down the road soon, so they can munch on 60 acres of soy beans....or...well...you know what will have to happen.  Blu Bear

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Our first 3 eggs!!!
Finally....  after all these months of care and feeding, my chickens laid their first eggs!  Now I can start thinking about what to bake with them.  Blu Bear probably wants muffins, or chocolate chip- oatmeal cookies.  I wonder which one of my girls gave me these?  Lets just wait and see how many eggs I get this week.  Straw Beary

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Back IN Timeeeeeeee...................

Our new gravel road
Date line:  1940        Co. Rd. 12 gets black top pavement
Date line:  2012        Pave Co. Rd 12 gets covered with gravel

Sure...I always wanted to live on a gravel road!  I mean, a farm stuck in the late 30s'  (that's the 1930s) should look that way in 2012.   And that's the way it is...   Blu Bear

Friday, July 20, 2012

RAIN AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

singing in the rain....oh a bear can explain
Can you believe it ???  3 and 1/2 inches of rain.... no flooding....just wonderful wet rain!!!


Clouds, but no RAIN for weeks...must be nice!
Tomato....pepper...watermellon....everything looks great
Sorry for some of the blurry video, I'm all paws when it comes to this kind of stuff.  But, there is enough good footage to make it worth watching.  Blu Bear

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Acorn Squash
A pumpkin in the making!
So, guess you could say I'm surviving the drought and heat waves!  But, I cheated a bit... I worked my little paws to the the bone....and drafted every bear I could into helping me.  Straw Beary did the most work (I said that to make her happy) !!!  But, always be thankful for any help you can get.  Some plants are just waiting for a good long summer rain.  Some things can't be improved on... a warm summer night with a gentle rain.... a cool breeze....and that first pumpkin pie out of the oven in fall!  I hope Straw Beary has lots of yummy stuff for me soon...gotta fatten up for the winter...being a bear and all!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Drought 2012

A glimpse of things to come
Acres of what was suppose to be corn!
local corn crop
This was a garden spot
As any gardener knows, this has been a tough year so far.  In fact, the problem is so wide spread that almost every state is now reporting on drought conditions.  But don't give up on your garden just yet.  Although things may seem hopeless, this bear has some helpful advice that may give you a second chance.

If you are a regular reader, this may just be a review of tricks that I've been using from day 1.  But, if not, I suggest  you take a look back at older posts for photos of things step by step.  Your cool weather crops are pretty much done for now...but many can be replanted in August and still have the fall to produce for you.  Beans, salad crops like lettuces, even some root cops like carrots can be planted for a late harvest.   For plants like tomatoes, peppers, and squash....you've still got allot of time.    Try to water in the evening...and avoid getting the plants wet.  Soak er hose, or bucket.  Water deeply.  Avoid a quick wet and go!  This only gets the top of dry soil to look watered, and keeps your plants from developing deep roots.  (THEY NEED DEEP ROOTS NOW MORE THAN EVER)

Fertilizer such as Miracle Grow (yuck) may be your only choice for quick action, but my plants like being treated to composted manure that I work into the soil around my plants.  MULCH...Mulch...MULCH!!!   Keep that moisture in the soil around your plants.   This really hot weather bakes the water out way too fast.  If you have potted plants, move them to an area that gets allot of shade.  I know, you think they need full sun, but too much of a good thing will leave them burnt and dried out.  Also, if you are using smaller pots, you might want to re pot in larger ones, or place them pot and all in a larger container that holds water.  This will help them survive even the worst heat wave.  And, best of all, they get watered from the bottom up.   Keep smile'n and grow'n...  Your pal  Blu Bear


close up of the barn yard
no...this is not a picture from last fall
What!!!   O.K., its not fall yet...but the trees are starting to loose their stuff in JULY.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mulch Bails Ready...

I hope your weekend doesn't look like this!
Lets see., weed around all plants...water in....mulch heavily....repeat!  Have a great weekend!!! I'll show you the final results next week.   Blu Bear

Thursday, July 12, 2012

We REALLY need rain!!!

They are calling for some rain this weekend....but as it stands right now, many farmers are loosing their crops.  My garden is still holding its own.   How is yours doing?  If you are growing potted plants, make sure they get extra water, and perhaps some shade during the peak heat of day.  With temps running as high as 107, every plant is in danger of burning out.  Just look at your lawn! Yuck!!!  At first only the weeds were left green...now they've started turning brown too.
 I have (had) a thermometer on my back deck, and it did the cartoon boil over thing.

Its been a little cooler the last few days, but the weather man says that the heat is on the way back again.  So make sure you put your plants to bed with a cool drink of water.  Us poor bears really suffer in the heat...fur and all....same as your pets!  Please make sure they have plenty of fresh water, and a cool shady place to take a nice summer nap.  Your pal...  Blu Bear

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

O'Bearys Thoughts....

A wise bear once told me...
"You never really own anything...you just get to touch it.  The question is, what will that touch be?  O'Beary

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Straw Beary
I'd like to welcome the 11 new visitors from Russia!  I'm Blu Bears gal; Straw Beary, and I write recipes for this web site, so....Got any good ones???  E mail me at Blubearyfarms@Gmail.com
Thanks...and stay tuned...  the garden is really coming to life!  Straw Beary

Monday, July 9, 2012


I know you humans use this stinky stuff for something...boy it must be really special.  People were cutting others off just to get to the pumps sooner.  My view from the back seat shows cars everywhere.  The line seams to go on forever.  I wonder what people would do if it said 2.05  Blu Bear!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Back yard boat waits for the water...and the dreamer

Boat ride anyone???
I'll bet it still floats!!!  Well, it is made of wood.  But, if you are REALLY ADVENTURIOUS ...don't forget the life jacket.  Not every bear has a wooden sail boat in his back yard...behind the barn...by the garden.  Straw Beary says I'm just being silly...but as hot as it has been, a bear can dream.  Just think of it...captain of your own ship, gently sailing across the cool refreshing water...not a care in the world...sailing....          ZZZzzzzzzzzz  Blu Bear

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Remember this picture!

Winter squash and pumpkins
The way it looked before planting the seeds
Oh, sure, it might not look like much now.... but just give it a few good rainy nights, and these little plants are going to get HUGE!!!  The 4 rows on the left are about 5 feet apart.  The acorn squash, the plants on the right, are a little bit over 2 feet apart. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Knee high by the 4th of July???

Who wants Pie???
Acorn Squash ready to flower!
O.K., so we only make pumpkin pie, blueberry pie, strawberry pie...pumpkin ice cream...pumpkin  bread...blueberry muffins...etc. etc... Happy 4th of July!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dorthy, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Storm clean-up across Ohio
Downed limbs at the farm
Oopps...Guess my "rain dance" was off just a little bit.  High winds and hail left many Ohioans without power and a big mess to clean up.  Luckily, Blu Bears Garden survived without much damage.  And, although we've got a bunch of branches to pick-up, we really needed the rain.