Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Talk about a good sign....Wild Asparagus is popping up along my drain canal.  And, speaking of asparagus, there is also a purple variety!  Whats next?  Maybe a blue apple!

On another topic, soon  I will be changing formats to display the pictures as a bulletin board.  This will make it easier to view the time lapse of plants from seedling to full grown.  Also, as the seasons change, there will be recipes posted for everything we grow in my garden.  Hopefully you will take photos and share recipes to post as well.  With over 200 weekly readers and growing , there should be some great stuff out there!  And please, sign in and add your comments as well.   -  Blu Bear

1 comment:

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

Very cool guys!! I love Asparagus. :)