Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Gardening can be so much more that a hobby....Adding just a few extra plants to share with local food banks, meals on wheels programs, church food baskets, etc.  can make a world of difference.  This year, Blu Bears Garden is adding onion plants.  Onion plants, are more developed than "sets"...and growing from seed is something to harvest the next year.  Many catalog companies offer plants as an option.  Sure, they are more expensive...around $10 for 65 "plants", but they will produce large full grown onions.   If you order varieties that are "long keepers"  they can be a great addition to your winter produce, with plenty to share.  An order of  one "bunch" of plants will take up less than 20 feet.  So if you have the space...grow some big giant sweet onions this year.  I'll be showing you photos of how our first test crop does in our Ohio clay soil.  If any one out there has had good luck with a particular variety please let me know!  Blu Bear

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