Thursday, December 27, 2012

The first snow....

Everyone else got it bad....
A day late for a "White Christmas"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The year in review

The first seedlings..."Tiny Tim "
Dormant rose bush...
Row planting acorn squash
One at a time...
So many little time
Checking out the new flock....
Name the kitty contest....GIZMO won!
"Extreme Gardening"
Plants take root
Green peppers....crisp & sweet

Friday, December 21, 2012

Baby Kadence Gets Her First Blue Bear!

Sometimes the box and the bow are the best presents!
Yep., we're starting Christmas a bit early...but every day is like Christmas here one the farm.  I'm still trying to find out how she got a GREEN bow on her head!?!   Blu Bear

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This friendly "wolf" dog lives on a farm 3 miles down the road.  But, for some strage reason he keeps showing up on our farm!  I'm betting he wants Molly to be his girl friend!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Memories of spring...

"Wow....Strawbeary....we grew these to give away!
Remember this photo???  Its one of my favorites.   These were the tomato plants we were growing to give to our friends at the Wauseon Public Library.   Sure....made some people smile!  So remember to start planning what you want to grow next year.  Even container gardens make life a bit better!  Your Pals Blu Bear & Straw Beary

Friday, December 14, 2012

Crazy Ho Ho Stuff !!!

And you thought the bears are silly!
Fun in the sun?
17 feet tall Santa
For all of our readers, this had to be posted.  I know many of you are in Russia, and I really don't know if you have this strange way of decorating (actually, its kind of new to me) but we all would love you to post some pics of winter for us.  Thanks your pal  Blu Bear

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Get Your Seed ORDERS in soon!!!

Transportation Director Cho Choo
Text me @ 419 388-7089 or e-mail me at


There will be 5 select seed orders accepted for the upcoming growing season.  Each one will include 3 seeds from our very best varieties including our 4 best baking pumpkins, the heart shaped acorn squash, and the special cross we named Strawbeary.  Also, we will include both the white and orange jumbo Jac-O-lanterns (seeds) that you have seen posted.  These are the prize seeds from the very best pumpkins we grow.  The rest of the seeds from each 1 prize pumpkin must be planted by us bears.  Each season, we pick the very best pumpkin of each variety we grow just for the hope that it will produce more like it.   The price is $20.00. including priority post. (that costs us about $6)

Also, anyone who would like seeds but can't afford them, we'll do our best to send  you some of each variety that we can spare.  Just Text me at my private bear line...419 388-7089 (this phone never gets voice answered) or e-mail me at   HAPPY HOLIDAYS  CHO CHOO!

Monday, December 10, 2012


field reporter O'Beary on the farm we now have the longest stretch of no snow for this time of year in recorded history!  In fact, the local news is calling it a "SNOW DROUGHT" !!!

Hopefully things will change in time for Santa.  Besides, I know of a photo happy bear that can't wait to post pictures of the farm in winter.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Seed Saving & Sharing

Baking pumpkins waiting to be roasted
Each variety is carefully stored for seed saving.  Once the seeds are removed, we clean, dry and sort them.  Only the best seeds are saved for planting.  the rest go to the chickens and blue turkeys.  B0y they really love them!

We will try to make available a variety pack for anyone who wants one.  The instructions for planting are actually shown in earlier posts.  But, you will be able to join us this spring from the very start, as we grow.  You can post your pictures, make comments, suggestions, or ask for help.  But, to do this, you must join

Your PUMPKIN PATCH will be alot of fun!  And, since we will include baking pumpkin varieties,  yum....  The details are being worked out.   Anyone who can't afford to buy seeds, but really want to grow a food crop, can count on us bears to do our best to help. 

I'll keep you posted!  If you'd like to get seeds for someone special as a present, just e-mail me, or text me (faster response) and we can figure out a customized gift pack together.

TEXT ONLY @ 419--280-0300  This line is rarely voice answered this time of year (US BEARS ARE GETTING KIND OF SLEEPY!)    Your pal...  Blu Bear & Strawbeary

Friday, November 30, 2012

Seed saving time!

Large white carver (15.6 lbs)
Every prize pumpkin gets saved for next years garden... many will be soon make available for you to order from me.  I'll keep you posted! You pal....Blu Bear

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bears getting ready for winter!

Even a bear can like a warm sweat shirt! GO STATE
Burr...time for my nap!
I've got my scarf and my pumpkin !
O.K...., so the bears love to ham it up for the camera....and, I love to take pictures.  But, since there aren't any garden shots to take.....guess we just have to make due.  Soon the seed catalogs will start flooding my mailbox.  Seems like everyone wants to do business with a little stuffed bear!

I hope you had a great turkey day!  My turkeys are safe and sound and ready for the snow!  Blu Bear

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blu Bears Trip To Shipshiwana

Now That IS funny!
Ho...Ho....Ho...!  Only my pal Houston (Santa's stand in) would like this under his tree.  Yes, it is hand crafted by Amish wood working pros....but we'd have to sell a few extra thousand 0f p0unds of pumpkins to put it under his tree!  Blu Bear

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The new hen house is ready!


NO BODY HERE BUT US CHICKENS!  This was a really fun project.  Straw Bears' Chickens just love their new home.  Now they can run loose in the pen, and look forward to a warm home to nest in.  Happy hens make great eggs!

Getting ready for winter

Nothing goes to waist...
The pumpkin season isn't over yet!  We grow 5 varieties of baking pumpkins, and with turkey day and Christmas just around the corner or work has just begun.  But, we've been really busy getting the farm ready for the cold weather.  We mulch every leaf, compost and mix with our planting beds, and of course...Blu Bears Garden!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I love tomatoes !
Not accepting November dinner invitation !
Pumpkins aren't the only things we grow at Blu Beary Farms....we've got chicken, fresh brown eggs that really taste like eggs....miniture chickes....and BLUE TURKEYS TOO!

Monday, October 29, 2012


check out this scary video!
Talk about bad news!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Blu Bear and his baking pumpkins

Awesome Table Center Pieces
Sure, I have carvers for Halloween, but these baby's are perfect for your Turkey Day table.  Whats even better, is that they are also the best baking pumpkins you'll ever find! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Pancakes....Yumm

Straw Beary
I love to bake with pumpkin....but, pumpkin pancakes are really a special treat!  Now, I've got A from scratch recipe, but on a busy Sunday morning, a little cheating won't hurt much.  Besides, kids just love these....even the big one's like Blu Bear !

1 cup store bought pancake mix (I like buttermilk)
1/2 teaspoon & a pinch of cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
2/3 cup cold water
1/3 cup baked pumpkin (mashed)

Mix well and dollop on a hot buttered skillet.  Turn when bubbles form...or do like I do and peak to see if they are browning!   Now, if  "pumpkin" spice is in your cupboard, you can use that (about a 1/2 teaspoon), but sprinkle cinnamon & sugar on the pancakes before turning.  This way you don't need ginger...but I always keep it on hand, cause I mix my own pumpkin spices.  
Next time, I'll share my favorite Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread recipe with you.  Love
Straw Beary

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix

Triple Treat White Baking Pumpkin
I've wrote about this guy before, but now I've actually gotten a chance to bake one.  This is the first true white pie pumpkin.  Yumm..... It has a very high sugar content, yet is great with just some butter, salt & pepper.  But, for classic pumpkin spice (use in coffee, ice cream, squash, etc)

Yield:  !/3 cup  Use to taste....

3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
3 teaspoons ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves
opt:  3 tablespoons brown sugar

Bake a pumpkin cut in 1/2, seeds removed,  cut side down.  Time varies by size...just pretend its a baked potato.   It should be easy to mash....taste test w/ a fork (youm job!) season with above and maybe some butter & serve...Or...use as directed in any canned (yuck!) pumpkin recipe.  Keep baking   .....Love  Straw Beary

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Early Frost on the Pumpkins

Field reporter....O'Beary
Yes....a strange weather year for sure..  Frost 2 weeks early!  Well, so much for a late second harvest for some of my favorite garden veggies. But, I have it on good authority that the bears on the farm were more than ready for it.   Guess I CAN HAVE fresh tomatoes after all!  Blu Bear made sure tjat all of the pie pumpkins (4 Varieties) were kept from freezing.  And, according to Farmer Larry, the late rains saved much of the soy beans and alfalfa.    So at least some feed crops made it to market.  Finally, I want to report that Blu Bears Pumpkin Patch has a great selection of monster carvers and specialty pumpkins for get on out to the farm today!   Don't forget our anual pumpkin roasting for turkey day is comming soon!  Your pal....O'Beary

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Now that's COLOR !!!
From rare to one of a kind....
Definitely not supper market pumpkins!
Come on out to the farm....we'd love to have you!
Located on Co. Rd. 12 between A & B  (1565)  Wauseon O.H....just 6 miles from the library.  You can find the perfect pumpkin for Halloween....baking....or your Turkey Day centerpiece !!!  Your Pal Blu Bear

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NOT YOUR AVEAVGE PUMPKINS... the bears are photo hogs!
Blu Bears Garden & Pumpkin Patch...unique specialty pumpkins, baked goods, & farm fresh eggs.  .   Our "Blu Beary" is an Australian baking pumpkin...considered one of the finest for cooking in the world. ..

This year, we have, we believe., finally crossed the top two baking pumpkins....if not just for fun.  The result has produced some very unusual pumpkins that you won't find anywhere else.  Growing 17 varieties in limited quantities is more than a labor of love.  Our pumpkins also allow us to grow food for local food banks and anyone in need.  And best yet....many of our pumpkins are more than decorations!

Located at 1565 Co. Rd. 12 (between A & B)  just a few miles from Fulton Co. Hospital..  And, we are pretty hard to miss... so don't worry about the street address!   We have a great selection of carvers as well....up to 25 lbs....Most definitely not your average boring supper market pumpkins!
Prices start as low as 50 cents for minis  up to $10 for MONSTERS.  So come on out to the farm...and pick out that special pumpkin.  From dawn to dusk....BEWARE OF THE BLU BEAR!!!