Saturday, March 28, 2015


I  came  across  this  older slide show  that  never  made  it to  you,  but  seeing  it brought  back  so many  great  memories  of some  special  people  from  the  Wauseon  chapter  of F.I.S.H.  and  life  here  on  the  farm .  it is...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Get ready for the planting season !!!

By now you have started  to think  about  what to grow  this year.  Whether  just a  few strawberry  plants  in  a  hanging  basket, or  a full  time  garden,  the varieties  available  has never  been  greater!  On Thursday, April  9th,  the bears  will  be sending one of its helpers to the Wauseon  public  library  6:30 p.m  to answer gardening questions  and show some the tricks we use to  make  sure  our  seeds grow into strong  healthy  plants.

Wauseon  public  library  

We also  will  have  plenty  of plants  to share with  those  who  attend!

Hope  to  see  you  there!

Blu Bear