Wednesday, September 25, 2013


These pumpkins are huge!
It may be hard to tell from this picture, but the greenish one weights in at over 50 lbs.!!!  Talk about selection!  We have hundreds of pumpkins priced at $2.50 .    (excluding display monsters) And, we have 17 varieties in every shape and color,  so you are sure to find your perfect pumpkin.   We are located at 1565 Co. Rd. 12, (just south of B)  between Wauseon & Napoleon OH.  Some come on out to the farm!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Fall Harvest Display Planning
This is the most fun part about growing a pumpkin patch!  We've got a great colors to show off this year, and we can hardly wait!  We'll start picking winter squash and pumpkins this weekend.  Most stores are already getting in their shipments from other farms  but a bit too early for our standards!!!

Many varieties shouldn't be harvested until the vines die off.    Some winter squash are best picked only after the first light frost.  But, if you buy a "CARVER"  for Halloween that was picked in early September, it might look great now, but good luck having it survive  until October 31 !!!  We grow over 17 varieties, and if you look at OLDER POSTS from last year, you will get an idea of whats to come! 
Now Thats Color !!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Volunteer "PICKING CREW" comes to the rescue

Now that's dedication!

Much of what we grow here on the farm goes directly to people in need.  But, this year, we've really had a hard time getting things picked and delivered where they can do the most good.  This "happy" group just finished picking and loading produce for the Wauseon F.I.S.H. monthly food program.  Their dedication to serve others in need leaves us bears speechless.'ve got to wonder about the guy who looks like he just came off the golf course!  I can honestly say I have never seen anyone come in from the fields looking this clean and well pressed. (Don't worry, he'll get the inside joke...I hope!)    From all of us bears Thank YOU !!!  Field Reporter O'Beary
Field Reporter O'Beary


Beef Steak tomatoes finally ripen!
This has been the slowest harvest of large heirloom "Beef Steak" tomatoes we've ever seen.  And not a moment too late!  If an early frost hits, we can count on loosing most of them.  But, that's the chance you take with some of the old time favorites.  Since there are two one hundred foot rows of them,  we can only hope for the best.   Your Pal   Blu Bear

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Not the best photo, but it says it all!

Of course it should have been addressed to Blu Bear & Straw Beary.  But some times their "human" identities get accidentally revealed.  Even Clark Kent had trouble keeping his true name a secret.  Thank goodness there are so many bears that work hard to keep the farm going.  Rarely do we ever let any of the organizations we try to help know the people behind Blu Bears Garden. 

After all, the bears deserve all of the credit!  They inspire us to be more than our selves. And hopefully, they do the same for you.  So, from all of us Bears,   THANK YOU FISH (Friends In Service to Humanity)  for the thousands of lives you have made better.
The Bears @ Blubeary Farms

Thursday, September 12, 2013


"A little goes a long ways"

Yes, we may be a little crazy, but so many people have asked us to grow some very HOT PEPPERS, that we just had to listen.  This all most ripe Habanaro pepper will turn a bright red, and until recently, it was considered the hottest edible pepper in the world.  For example, a jalapeno pepper is rated at around 3000 scovel units.  ( A system that gets higher as the pepper gets hotter.)   The pepper seen above is rated at 300,000 !!!!   But, a small amount in a big kettle of anything gives it more zing than heat.   The new "record" holder, called the GHOST comes in a 1,000,000 units.  And, to call it food is stretching the truth more than a little!  Although we do believe it would be a great natural pesticide, just as long as the people applying it wore protective clothes and goggles...maybe a full face and air filtration system too!  So if anyone ever trys to get you to bite into one....better think twice.  Oh, and milk helps kill the heat....water does little.   Field Reporter:  O'Beary