Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Amazing "NO TILL" Seed drill operated by almost teenager!

Seed drill plants beans without tilling under old crop ground!

Brady (he is only 12 !!!) takes this monster tractor for a spin, planting soy beans with a no till seed drill!  Now if you ever think about the first time driving a car, imagine what it would be like to pilot this big tractor with wheels bigger than you!  So when you watch the video, think how nervous you would be, especially with your dad hovering over you in the cab!

Friday, May 24, 2013


This might not be the best videography I've done, but for now, it does show how much still lies ahead, and gives you a real sense of the sheer size of our little "garden".  As time allows, we'll try to keep you up dated.  For all of our new readers, please visit some of the older posts, and you will discover that this is a very busy place!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Look closer!
Sure, it may look like we are growing a safty cone and some jugs of water...BUT...what really is happening is row after row of sweet corn, strawberryies, tomatoes, and peppers!  And that is just for starters!!!    When things get bigger, and seeds become tall plants, look back on this picture and smile!   Your Pal   Blu Bear

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Welcome to Blu Bears' Garden ...Malaysia !

Audience this morning...
Traffic Manager,  Choo Choo
I am always amayzed  when I click the audience button on my "dash board" and  see so many  new visitors to Blu Bears' Garden!   And, whenever a "new" country makes such a strong showing, we try our best to say hello, and thanks for joining us. So, from all of us bears  Welcome Malaysia !!!.      


Field Reporter  O'beary

As you may have guessed, the rush to get our crops in has finally begun!  Thousands of plants and seeds must be carefully tucked into the garden by paw!  Times like this us bears are glad we are so short, because humans would have to bend over constantly, and even work on their knees.  Our human helpers rarely complain, but judgeing by the moans and growns I'd have to say this is  very hard work!  As the field reporter, my job has to be the easiest!  Well, maybe yours is...
Keep up with all of the progress, and don't forget to tell your friends about us bears.   And, this year we will try to take at least one video a week.

Friday, May 17, 2013


All of the steps to getting the soil ready for planting....  The compost was spread, the ground was tilled, then disked, and went over and over with more equipment to get the end result...

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Some bears couldn't resist the chance to have their picture taken with a tractor!
Did someone mention moon rocks?!!!
The first 330 foot strip of the garden tilled.
This section of the garden is 120' feet by 330' feet.   We also have plants in the grow house,  beds around the farm, and as always,   the patio deck!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some snap shots for Larry Gerken...who helped make this years garden possible!

Tilling the soil...

Turning the soil over...
The area you see being tilled is the actual "garden" !!! Guess you could say that it should produce more than a few pounds of food to share this year.


It takes a lot of hard work to get a garden this size ready for planting.  Not to mention the actual planting its' self!  And, a special thanks to the Gerken family for once again helping make Blu Bears' Garden a reality.

Larry Gerken gives his best to all of our readers!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Did I mention there is a lot of work to get done???

Blu Bears' Garden
Maybe you can't tell how big this is from a photo, but trust me....when you have a hoe in your paws, this is huge!!!  The picture only shows part of the garden... just wait and see what it looks like at each stage of the season....  From prepping the soil, to planting, to growing...to harvest...and putting it all to bed for the winter.  We look forward to you joining us for this adventure...  Hopefully, we can inspire you to do a little growing and sharing as well!  All of your friends at Blu Bears' Garden

Friday, May 10, 2013

Turkeys get a new pen...

Our Blue turkey pair
Well, we didn't have time to get it all painted, but the new turkey pen gives the breeding pair lots of leg room, and a large coup to grow their family in.  The netting is a strong plastic deer fence that we have switched to.  It is much easier to work with than the metal fencing, and the spacing is so tight that it keeps wild birds from stealing the turkeys' dinner.  The birds are really beautiful...just look at how bright the colors on the large tom (male, right side of photo) !!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


"wild" asparagus finally signals the season
The farm takes on a ton of colors!
Wow! Just think...a couple of weeks ago I was writing about a hard freeze & snow !!!  Now everything is starting to bloom!  And, the honey bees are loving it.  The garden is ready to be prepped for planting, the compost piles have been constantly turned, and the seedling house is packed with plants awaiting a new home.  This is when things get more than a little hectic around here...so much to be done, and only a hand full of bears to do it!  Wish us luck!  Blu Bear

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Trouble " the cat loves to stalk the chickens!
He really is a sweet little cat, but he can't resist pretending that he is the great hunter... stalking his prey in the wild!  In truth, the chicken is in no danger, but I'm not so sure about the cat!  Your Pal..Blu Bear

Friday, May 3, 2013


The neighbors...
Really, we do live on a farm....so I guess seeing a cow or two is nothing out of the ordinary.  But, we don't raise any...but our neighbor does have a couple moos.  When a cow stuck his face in our front window, I guess you could say we were a little bit startled.  In fact, grabbing the camera was the last thing that came to mind!  Calling "Becky" across the road and leaving a message...."Did you happen to loose something?" was first on the list.    Strawbeary was wondering if this falls under the "finders/keepers rule!  Some how I think Becky would have noticed. Field Reporter O'Beary

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Should we add this to our berry patch?

"Europe's Amazing Whopper Strawberries"
We grow a variety of strawberries here at Blu Bears' Garden.  But, this one caught my eye.  It is available from Gurney's with a lifetime guarantee.  They claim it is a yummy as it looks.  With so many readers in Europe, I was hoping that one of you have come across this "Whopper Strawberry".  Even with a guarantee,  space, labor, & $$ must be put all carefully to work.  Let me know, & Thanks Straw Beary