Friday, November 30, 2012

Seed saving time!

Large white carver (15.6 lbs)
Every prize pumpkin gets saved for next years garden... many will be soon make available for you to order from me.  I'll keep you posted! You pal....Blu Bear

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bears getting ready for winter!

Even a bear can like a warm sweat shirt! GO STATE
Burr...time for my nap!
I've got my scarf and my pumpkin !
O.K...., so the bears love to ham it up for the camera....and, I love to take pictures.  But, since there aren't any garden shots to take.....guess we just have to make due.  Soon the seed catalogs will start flooding my mailbox.  Seems like everyone wants to do business with a little stuffed bear!

I hope you had a great turkey day!  My turkeys are safe and sound and ready for the snow!  Blu Bear

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blu Bears Trip To Shipshiwana

Now That IS funny!
Ho...Ho....Ho...!  Only my pal Houston (Santa's stand in) would like this under his tree.  Yes, it is hand crafted by Amish wood working pros....but we'd have to sell a few extra thousand 0f p0unds of pumpkins to put it under his tree!  Blu Bear

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The new hen house is ready!


NO BODY HERE BUT US CHICKENS!  This was a really fun project.  Straw Bears' Chickens just love their new home.  Now they can run loose in the pen, and look forward to a warm home to nest in.  Happy hens make great eggs!

Getting ready for winter

Nothing goes to waist...
The pumpkin season isn't over yet!  We grow 5 varieties of baking pumpkins, and with turkey day and Christmas just around the corner or work has just begun.  But, we've been really busy getting the farm ready for the cold weather.  We mulch every leaf, compost and mix with our planting beds, and of course...Blu Bears Garden!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I love tomatoes !
Not accepting November dinner invitation !
Pumpkins aren't the only things we grow at Blu Beary Farms....we've got chicken, fresh brown eggs that really taste like eggs....miniture chickes....and BLUE TURKEYS TOO!