Saturday, September 29, 2012


Rest easy Mr. are breading stock.  We want you to make a bunch of little turkeys...and being a BLUE TURKEY doesn't hurt.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


"Where's my scout master ? "
Almost scary!
Just plain silly!
As usual,  Straw Beary and I have been driving around taking pictures of harvest decorations.  Sure...Halloween is the most fun, but here on the farm, the harvest celebration runs till Turkey Day.  But, we still would like at least one really scary scare crow.  So far, nobody seems to have made one that stands out.  Here are a few we took pictures of.  Blu Bear

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Chili peppers
Bread n' Butter pickles & relish
Heart shaped acorn squash
Whether drying, canning, or freezing....nothing taste better than the food you can grow yourself.  We like to put up for winter as much produce as possible. Not to mention the chickens and turkeys that make there way into the freezer!

In the beginning...

my garden in spring
Wow!  It seems like only a moment has past since this photo was taken last spring.  As planting seasons go, this  was one for the record books.  But if you've been following my progress all year, then you know that growing a garden, or any crops was more than a small challenge...even for a little stuffed bear!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Area Harvest Festivals in Full Swing

Local Harvest Festival
"Gee...when they told us we were going to a horse pull I didn't think this was what they had in mind."
Every small farm town seems to have a harvest festival were we live.  Sraw Beary and I visited this one about 20 minutes from the farm.  For such a tiny "village" the local residents went all out!  Even the dogs had a great time. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

DADDY....Where do Acorn squash come from?

Seed packet
The garden being readied form planting
Acorn seedlings
Yes Virginia...  there is a Santa Claus.   But, he probably doesn't grow many acorn squash.  That's what little blue bears are for!


Doesn't Bobbi Jean err...I mean....Straw Beary take a great picture!!!
We all love you! 

All of the readers and pals at Blu Bears Garden

Friday, September 14, 2012

Blu Bears Garden....stomp'n out hunger

Baskets of Produce Ready for the Local Food Banks
The first care baskets have been delivered...full of yummy stuff from my garden.  Red juicy tomatoes...spicy jalapenos....crunch sweet green peppers ....well, you get the idea.  What's the fun growing a big o'l garden if you can't share it with someone?   I hope my onion plants are ready soon!  We even grew one named CANDY!!!  (Bet its not as tasty as Straw Bearys chocolate chip pumpkin muffin bread)  Blu Bear

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hey ya been?

Blu Bear & Straw Beary on the road...
No...we didn't fall into the giant "drought cracks".  Wow...did I just make up a new term?  What can a bear say....3' deep cracks in the ground because of the driest, hottest, summer ever. Thank goodness we finally have had regular rain for a change.  The grass has turned green again without painting it!  My gal and I have been out and about...last chance before harvest gets us really busy.  And, Straw Bearys got a birthday comming this week end... and she just loves to travel.  Hopefully we'll get some great photos to share with you!  Your Pals  Blu Bear & Straw Beary

Friday, September 7, 2012

Told ya things are gonna get busy!

The Acorn Squash look great!
Larry and his crew bailing hay
Hey,...whats with the cream colored Acorn Squash???  Maybe it was too close to the Butter Nut...Hmmm     I'll let  you know!  Your Pal Blu Bear

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Pumpkin bread....mmmm!
Well, I hope you all had a great weekend.   For my friends in Russia, and Europe, This was "Labor Day"  for us.  Basically a chance to recognize the hard work most of us do.  Here on the farm, this means the work is just beginning again.  Harvest time is here!!! 

Large cherry and Brandy Wine Beef Steak tomato
Winter sqash
Our first trip to the Delta food bank will be this week.  Beautiful Tomatoes, peppers, and acorn squash.  Check out some of this yummy stuff.  Straw Beary baked some pumpkin bread, and some chocolate chip pumpkin muffins.  Time for her to start posting her secret recipes!    Blu Bear

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Take time to smell the roses!

Mama Bears potted red roses
This is my "Blue" rose!
As the summer winds down, and the last big holiday weekend is upon us, you can look back to last spring when these rose bushes were nothing more than green stalks sticking out of their pots.  Soon they will be cut back, and placed in the well  house to overwinter.  But, if you love to garden as much as Straw Beary and I do, you'll spend the winter planning next years garden.  And, you'll look forward to putting the rose pots back in the warm sunshine again.  I still wonder why this is called a Blue Rose!  Kinda looks pinkish to me.    Have a Great weekend!!!  Blu Bear