Saturday, June 30, 2012


O.K.., so they aren't really giant "rice crispy treats"!  But they sure did make me hungry for some.  Actually, these bails of straw are for the garden.  By using it as "mulch", I can help keep the weeds down, the soil moist,  and the produce off the ground.   And, with our clay type soil, it also stops a bear from getting stuck in the mud!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Somewhere in time...

A real old "compact car"
Hey...where is the trunk?
Its old...Its Blue....and its small like me!  How could a Blu Bear resist taking a picture of this "car" at the Wauseon car rally?  I almost expected a bunch of clowns to get out! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


private chicken door
"The perfect perch"
"Eggs Anyone?"
"nesting boxes"
Just add chickens!!!  The only thing this deluxe chicken coop lacks is air conditioning.  We spotted this one for sale at auction in Archebold, Ohio.  Too bad it wouldn't fit in my trunk!  Straw Beary says that her chickens deserve a nice home like this one.  Guess I've got my work cut out for me. Blu Bear

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


tomato plants
Look Mom...NO WEEDS!!!
Water and Fertilizer line
WOW...allot of growth since I last posted photos of my "neighbors" EXTREME GARDEN.  I'm starting to think that all the trouble and expense to put this unique gardening system in was well worth it.  We've had very little rain, and for the most part our soil looks like the area between these plants!  This method of growing would probably work even in the desert...which is about what it feels like these days.   (HOT, DRY, & WINDY!) 

Hopefully for the next update, I'll have a chance to interview the farmer responsible for this fantastic garden.  Have any questions you'd like me to ask him/her ???   Just leave them in the comment section, or E-mail me.   Your pal....  BLU BEAR 

Friday, June 22, 2012


The bears look over plants getting ready to go to the library.
Did we really grow these big 'mato plants from those little tiny seeds?  YES WE DID!!!  Its sometimes so hard to believe that just one little seed can grow into the giant plant that make everything from pizza sauce to catsup!  These particular heirloom Roma and large red cherry tomato plants were just delivered to the Wauseon Library.  No, not so they could catch up on their reading, or check out a cook book, but as a small token of thanks to all the folks here that have helped make BLU BEARS' GARDEN possible.   To all the staff at the Wauseon Library a heart felt thank you!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I Couldn't resist.  I saw this sign at the local KFC and had to post it.  Almost begs the question..."Which came first...the chicken or the Col.?"
Now this is the real chicken update...the Banties are almost full size...which really isn't all that big.  The hens in the above picture are cozy'n up to the rouster on the right.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New "Department Head" named

Straw Beary
Well its official!  Finally I'm getting the respect I deserve.  After all, Blu Beary wouldn't be half the bear he is without me.  So now, I get to be responsible for all future recipes!  So, when you see this picture, you'll know that something yummy is about to be shared with you.  And, every recipe will be bear tasted and bear approved.  I scow er cook books and web sites from all over the world to find you something special to make with everything we grow in Blu Bears Garden.   Expect a new recipe at least once a week as we get close to harvest time.  Just look for this picture.  Straw Beary

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Oh, Hi there.... I just woke up...kind of fell asleep in my favorite chair.  I've been here on the farm for ages, but that silly Blu Bear never got around to introducing me.  I've been called allot of things, but mostly "go ask the old bear...he'll know"  Yep, all the bears seem to come to me for advice...what to plant...what Strawbeary should bake for you know whos' birthday...  Guess that just comes with age.  But, I guess you can just call me Beary.  From time to time I'll sit down and write you...of course you can alway write me...just sign in and leave a comment for ol' name it. Ol' Beary

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pumpkins Still Rule!!!

I know it may seem a bit early to think about Halloween, but my pumpkin patch has to be planted now in order for you to be able to enjoy a good scare.  I've just started work on a web site devoted to my pumpkin patch.  As you probably guessed, its called  Blu Bears Pumpkin Patch.   What makes mine a little bit different than most, it that I grow UNIQUE SPECIALTY PUMPKINS & WINTER SQUASH.  And..."Home of the Blu Pumpkin"

I grow my Australian Blu thats a down under favorite for baking,  grilling, and all around eating.  But, although they don't have Turkey Day in Australia, I'm sure they would use it for a center piece on their table too!  (Pumpkin Soup Anyone???)  Oh, and yes, it really is blue.  In fact, its truly my favorite "Bluberry"   I also grow a bunch of things  you may have never seen before, but when fall comes, stay tuned, and you'll see them all here and on my pumpkin site.  Blu Bear

Sunday, June 17, 2012


The clouds roll by...but only a few drops fell before the sun returned
I don't want to use the "D" word, but we really could use some rain here in North West Ohio!  My garden is just a bit too big to water by paw!  But, being that its' Fathers Day, I'm glad we get to barbecue and Papa Bear gets to nap in the shade.  Happy Fathers Day!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Somewhere in time....

This old hay wagon sleeps gently near  my garden
The years pass...what changes this window must have seen!

When this barn was built, most people used horse and buggy!
Its hard not to notice how peaceful life on the farm really is.  For a little bear, this is paradise!  I'm just glad I have my gal Straw Beary  toto share it with.  And now, I get to share it with you.  Blu Bear

Friday, June 15, 2012


YUM!!!!   I can hardly believe how good that first berry tasted.  There are only a few that are already they don't make it into my favorite muffin recipe!  Blu Bear

Thursday, June 14, 2012


"Come've gotta have something yummier than that!"
Boy could I go for a nice crunchy sweet carrot right now!
See what happens when you grow a garden???   Even the barnyard animals start getting fussy!  What did you plant in your garden?  Don't tell me you haven't started one yet!  You still have time to grow all kinds of things.  Many plants have very short growing time....a crunchy radish....leaf lettuce....the list is endless.  And, whats even better, most garden centers are having close out sales on plants and seeds.   If you don't have garden space, grow some container plants.  Any ol' bucket with holes in the bottom will do.  But if you want to get fancy...most pots are also now on close out.  Nothing beats home grown!   Blu Bear

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yep, its that time of year...the first cutting of hay.  I don't think that you eat hay, but I'll bet that cow who goes MOO does!  Here on the farm, wagons come and go at a steady pace...once the hay is cut, it has to be bailed (the stuff on the wagon) and stacked in the barn before it gets rained on, or its ruined!  So the next time you have a glass of milk, or a Big Mac, you are probably eating hay!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Thanks everyone for all the name suggestions for the new kitty.  THE WINNER IS "GIZMO"!!! And, comes from a reader in the great state of Alabama!  I have to agree...Gizmo does look like a Gremlin!  His pal Tiger (Mr. Kitty) thinks he acts like one too.  Blu Bear

Monday, June 11, 2012


For those gardeners that just don't have the extra cash...don't fret, Blu Bear is more than glad to send you some seeds that you still have time to get in the ground!  Winter squash, such as Acorn, Butternut, and "pie pumpkins" (they are great for breads, soups, and  are wonderful baked) ...  summer squash, and a bunch of other stuff.  Also, if you live in the Wauseon area, we have Large Red Cherry tomato plants, and Roma tomato plants that are  looking for a good home!  Just give us a shout at and we'll get right back to you. Your friends  Blu Bear & Straw Beary

Meet Choo Choo!

Hi! I'm the newest member to SIGN IN  and Join Blu Bears' Garden !!!  Now I can post pictures, comments and even videos for everyone to see...even our friends overseas!  So come on everyone...don't miss the train!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Old McBlu Bear had some....TURKEYS???

A new flock arrrives

A "bird box" awaits pick up.
The new turkey flock and a new chicken flock have came in by...the POST OFFICE??? 

Friday, June 8, 2012


Although it may be 2012, many things on the farm are much the same as they were when this was put in at the front of driveway.
Even much of the equipment and barns look almost as it would back then, or even just 30 years ago!
No matter what direction you turn....the neighbors, the barns, the fields...everything frozen ...somewhere in time.   Your pal...Blu Bear

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


These are "raided beds"
This amazing crop system is being grown by a farmer near by.  Although they are growing many of the same things that are in my garden, there is no need for rain, fertilizer, or even weeds!!!    The big hose in the front of these "hills" feeds water and fertilizer pumped from a large tank on board a truck.  NOW THAT'S EXTREME GARDENING!!!  Straw Beary & Blu Bear

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Book of Dreams

Blu Beary Farms 

This very special binder is the result of years of planning, dreaming, and doing.  Blu Bears Garden is very much a part of this book.  It is filled with ideas, stories about other agri-entertainment farms, recipes, crop tests, seed orders, and step by step future plans.  And, as it says in the first entry of this blog...PUMPKINS RULE!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Name the new kitty!!!

I'm the new kid on the block
I'm all boy...

Can anyone help me name this new kitten?  Hmm Blue Eyes...Blu Bear

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012