Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pumpkins Rule!

Hi, my name is Blu Bear, and I live on a small farm in Ohio with my pals, molly (my dog) Teddy Bear, (my cat) and some other friends that you might call "stuffed animals" like me.  But as soon as I can, I'll show you my family, and pictures of last years garden & pumpkin patch.  And,  maybe you can help me plan this years garden.

Hopefully, you'll post pictures from your last years work, so I can get a few ideas and helpful hints.  I do want to grow some container plants as well.  Also, it would be kind of neat if you took pictures this year of your plants every week or so, as kind of a garden time machine.  I'm gonna start first with planting some tomato and pepper seeds....  but maybe its too early!!!  But whats a bear to do...after all, winters almost over.  (I hope)

Finally, about copywrites & trademarks.  After an exhaustive search, there are no other entities using the name Blu Bears' Garden or Blu Beary Farms, & Blubearyfarms@Gmail.com  I Randall Nalett claim copy writes for these names.  Also, all photos published in this blog are my property.  You may use them, share them, or post them provided it is not for commercial use.  I hope that the mission of this blog...to make it a better less hungry world, and to bring joy to others is achieved with your help.
All labor on the farm is volunteer non paid workers.   This is a "piggy bank not for profit farm"  with any proceeds helping to provide seed to others in need, as well as food in their tummies. Enjoy!